Waterford Country Houses Exhibition Opening

Helen Moynihan, Thomas McCarthy, William Fraher & Julian Walton

Our latest exhibition Waterford Country Houses - History, Architecture & Landscape was officially opened on Thursdsay 22 by author and poet Thomas McCarthy.

Vice Chairperson Helen Moynihan welcomed the guests and introduced the first speaker, Curator William Fraher.  She commented that the history of  Big Houses of Co. Waterford has been the subject of a lifelong study by William and this is evident in the quality of the exhibition.

William began by dedicating the exhibition to the late Mrs. Nell Collender and Desmond Fitzgerald, Knight of Glin, both great collectors.  He thanked Fás and Waterford Leader Partnership for their financial support over the years.  He hoped people would gain an insight into life above and below stairs from this exhibition.  He concluded by reading an amusing piece about the Anson family at Woodhouse, Stradbally in 1902/1903. taken from Clodagh Anson's memoir.

Thomas McCarthy began by stating that this was a "world class" exhibition and he was impressed with all the the aspects which were covered including - gardens, libraries, landlord and tenants, artist's views etc.  Thomas praised the work of William Fraher in promoting Dungarvan and Co. Waterford over many years.  He congratulated the Museum Society on their  continued professionalism in promoting the history of the county through exhibitions such as this and through their excellant web site.  He concluded by reading a poem from his latest book - The Anglo Irish Tea Party.

A number of the owners of houses featured in the exhibition were in attendance and we were delighted to welcome renowned architectural historian, Mark Girourard who was the first to write about the Co.Waterford houses back in the 1960s for Country Life magazine.  Follow us on facebook to view more photographs of the event.