Lemonade Making A Great Success

Darren Giving His Talk on The History of Lemonade

The children's  event held in the museum on Saturday April 16 was a great success.  The museum was packed with both adults and children, where they enjoyed an illustrated talk on the making of lemonade.  They then had the chance to design and make their own label.

Well done to Helen Moynihan who put the event together, along with the assistance of her son Darren, Emma and Aisling.

This event was in conjunction with the Festival of Food and saw the museum open for the two days over the weekend. Thanks to staff members  Noelle, Noreen and Tony who manned the museum over the weekend. We are delighted with the numbers that visited the museum over the course of the weekend and enjoyed both the lemonade making and the Baking & Brewing exhibition.

To view more pictures of Saturday's event, visit us on facebook.