Donal Moloney Visits Museum

Committee Member Jim Shine with Donal Moloney

A recent visitor to the museum was Mr. Donal Moloney.  Donal's great great grandmother was Abagail Moloney, who was one of Dungarvan's best known business women.

South East Heritage & Culture Awards 2010

Committee Members Mary Giblin, Helen Moynihan, William Fraher,  Nioclás Ó'Griofáin and William Whelan with Senator David Norris

 South East Heritage and Culture awards in association with the Munster Express and Dooley's Hotel was held on February 3 at Dooley's Hotel.  This is the second year of the award which compromises of 4 awards annually compromising of 4 categories and an overall award for the year.
The awards are given out to groups and organisations in the South East who promote the regions Heritage, Crafts and Culture.  The museum was the recipient of the Heritage Group award in the first quarter of 2010.
 A group of the committee members attended the award ceremony.  The Spraoi group were the over-all winners.
Guest of honor for the occasion was Senator David Norris.

Waterford Museum Annual Members Dinner 2011

A Group Of The Members At The Annual Dinner

The museum held it's annual dinner at Crew's restaurant on Friday February 4. There was a very good attendance and the night was enjoyed by all.  A special surprise was arranged to mark the birthday of our President Nioclás Ó  Griofáin.  Museum curator Willie Fraher gave a brief but fascinating account of a 19th century diary written by John Russell of Ballysallagh, Kinsalbeg, which is in the museum collection.  We would like to thank the management and staff of Crew's for the lovely meal.  To view more pictures from the night visit us on facebook