Lecture On The War of Independence & 'The Big House' Hughly Successful

Close to 100 people gathered at the Town Hall Theatre to attend a talk by William Fraher, titled - The War of Independence/Civil War & The Big House in Co. Waterford. The audience was by no means disappointed and were given a fascinating insight with this period from the point of view of the owners of the Big Houses. Of particular interest were the extracts from unpublished diaries manuscripts and letters which William has unearthed during his research.

"It is" he said his intention to pursue the subject matter more fully and appealed for photographs, letters etc.

Proposing a vote of thanks to the speaker, author and historian Seán Murphy complemented William on his talk and the research undertaken.

For those who missed the talk there will be another opportunity to hear it in Waterford in November as part of Waterford Historical & Archaeological Society’s Winter talks programme.