"Scientists of County Waterford" A Lecture by Donal Brady

Mr.Donal Brady will present a lecture the "Scientists of County Waterford" in Lismore Heritage Centre on Wednesday 10th November 2010 at 7.00.pm. The hour long talk is part of science week 2010 which runs from 7th-14th November.

Since the seventheenth century County Waterford men and women have been making outstanding contributions to the world of science. The remarkable and often untold story of Waterford's scientists include the only Irish recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for science, the optician who helped to build the Birr telescope and the Earl's son whose name is enshrined in chemistry textbooks across the world.

These and other achievements will be discussed by Mr.Brady in his Science Week lecture. Now retired, Donal Brady served as Waterford County Librarian for almost twenty eight years. Devoted to the preservation and collation of the historical resources of the county Mr.Brady has brought much of his study to print, most recently in "The Book of Lismore: An Introduction", published in February 2010. Donald's forthcoming publication "Scientists of CountyWaterford" will be launched at the end of this month.

Science week is a nationwide event designed to promote the relevance of science, engineering and technology in our everyday lives and to demonstrate the importance of these disciplines to the future development of Irish society and to the economy.

This event is free but spaces are limited. Places can be booked by contacting Mealla or Arlene on (058) 54975.