Thanks For All Your Help

We enjoyed a fantastic night in the Town Hall Theatre on Wednesday  8th September. Well over two hundred people turned up for the museum's fund-raising variety night. A great night was had by all and we raised well over 2000 Euro that will go towards preserving Waterford history. You can view photos of the show on Eddie Cantwell's Facebook page.

As most of you are aware the museum is a voluntary body, without support form the public it would not be possible for us to do our work. It was really gratifying the support we got from so many locals, local organisations and companies. So thanks is due to all of the following:
We got prize donations from The Cliff House Hotel, The Round Tower Hotel, The White Horses Restaurant, Willie Fraher and Tony Hayes. All prizes were organised by Roberta Whelan.

Behind the scenes we had support for Seán Organ, Ian Noctor, Value Centre, Dirk Baumann of DBL Lighting, Dungarvan Brewing Company (great people, great beer :) ), Dungarvan Town Council and Joe Flaherty.

Thanks to all the committee members who gave up their time particularly our canteen workers Helen Moynihan, Emma, Niamh and Mary Giblin (for her excellent apple tart and cake).

Lastly, and most importantly, congratulations to the man who organised the event Eddie Cantwell, it is a mark of the man that when I forgot to thank him publicly at the end of the night he only laughed at it.