Waterford History Network

The museum has helped develop an initiative (with help from County Heritage Officer Bernadette Guest) that is going to try and link all of the local history groups operating in County Waterford. Essentially we are starting up a mailing list, facebook pages and blogs so that participant groups will be aware of what other groups are up to. This will hopefully mean that we will share information between ourselves and the public in a more efficient manner. We also hope to have joint training days and a single Google Calendar for heritage events in Waterford County. Some cross promotion of events and sharing of exhibitions will also be an aim. At the moment participating groups are Portlaw Heritage Centre, Dolmen Historical Group (Butlerstown, Kilmeaden, Waterford City), Tallow Heritage Committee, Dunhill Education Centre, Gaultier Historical Society, Bunmhaon Heritage Society, Waterford County Museum and local historian Sean Murphy. We know we have left out one or two groups inadvertently. We will get these on board as quickly as we can. It will take some time before this group makes an impact but over time we hope that the network will help us improve our services to the the community.

More information on this initiative can be had from william@deisedesign.com