Documentary On Photographer Annie Brophy Filmed In The Museum

 The Nemeton Crew: Seamus Hayes,  Rose Anne Foley, Kieran Currain, Catherine Foley.

Recently we were pleased to welcome a crew from the local  film company Nemeton, while they filmed an interview with Eoin O'Connell on the life of Annie Brophy.

Annie Brophy was one of the best known female photographers of her time (1919-1978) and had photographed Dungarvan on occasion. Eoin himself is an accomplished documentary photographer based in Cork and has done some interesting research into the work of Annie.

Rose Anne Foley (Director), Catherine Foley (Presenter), Seamus Hayes (Cameraman) and Kieran Currain (Sound) were on site at the museum at 9am to set up the interview. We were delighted to accommodate them and wish them the best of luck with the production "Trí Shúile an Chait" which will be aired in September on TG4.