Christmas Family Day At The Museum

 St Mary's School Choir

On Sunday, 6 December 2009 we held our first Christmas family day here at the museum. The event brought a crowd of 120 parents and children into our museum for an afternoon of songs, stories, artwork and games. 

The children of St.Mary's Primary School under the guidance of Dina Walshe entertained us  with some beautiful carol singing and then joined in the fun of the day.

The children had great fun making Christmas cards and decorating the Christmas tree with their hand made decorations under the watchful eye of Niamh Power, Emma Walsh and Aibhe Power.

No event at this time of the year would be complete without a visit from the man himself, Santa, and the children made sure to get their requests in.

Our President, Níoclás ó Griofáin told stories of Christmas of by gone days and the adults were given instruction on how to research their family history, assisted by committee members, Willie and Martin Whelan.

Willie Whelan Assisting A Visitor With His Family History

The event was organised by our Educational Officer and Vice President Helen Moynihan, assisted on the day by Darren Moynihan and Karen Cottier.  We would also like to thank all the committee members and museum staff who helped make this day the success it was.

 Stories From Christmas Long Ago With Níoclás ó Griofáin.