Waterford County Museum Wins Heritage And Environment Award

The WLRfm sponsored Community and Voluntary awards attracted over hundred different groups / entries this year. Waterford County Museum was honoured for its efforts to preserve the history of Dungarvan and County Waterford and took the Heritage and Environment Award.

We are delighted to win the award, it is a real recognition of all the hard work that our committee, members, staff and sponsors have invested in the organisation. Our thanks to all of the many local voluntary and business organisations that assisted us with projects over the course of the year. A particular thanks to the Waterford Community Forum for organising such a great night. You can download our competion entry (5 Mbyte .pdf file) online. It gives a great idea of the work we are currently doing and our future plans. Any organisations interested in sponsoring our future work can contact us at the museum. We also accept donations through our paypal account.

Congratulations To Abbeyside Scouts
We would also like to congratulate another local group, The 4th Waterford, Abbeyside Scout Group, one of Ireland oldest Scout groups, they won the Children and Youth Award. Three of the current museum committee are still involved with the scout group and it is great that the scouts got this long overdue recognition.