Online Catalogue Of Museum Artifacts Almost Complete

We are well on our way in creating our database of the many documents and artifacts here in the museum.We are hoping to have this completed  during the early part of 2010. This will allow you to browse and search through the many objects and documentation from different sources that we have in our possession. The complete text of letters and documents will not be made available online but their content will be summarised. This online catalogue should be a valuable tool for researchers and genealogists. Objects in our collection include:
  • Personal Letters
  • Billheads
  • Invoices
  • Advertising Materials
  • Posters
  • Medals
  • Coins
  • Weapons
  • Maps
  • Books
  • Tools
  • Domestic Objects
In total our holdings comprise 5000+ objects of which we have catalogued 3500. Over time photographs of many of the items will be added to the catalogue. The work of cataloging our artifacts has been ongoing with 2 years.