Abbeyside NS & The Ard Scoil Visit The Museum

We had a visit from 4th class students from Abbeyside National School today, 27 children came in to hear about the Moresby disaster. Their teacher, Ms Mary Harney and teaching assistant Ms Mary Gorman, had them well prepared!

Ard Scoil na Deise's 5th year students and their teacher Ms. Margaret Denehey also visited today, researching ideas for their history projects for the Leaving Certificate.

We would like to encourage schools to visit the museum. Far from being a dull, boring place, this museum is bright, full of interesting artefacts and handling objects. We also have a wide screen television that plays a variety of films and images. The museum is always prepared to help out with school projects. Children of all ages are welcome to the museum to learn about their County's past.